Level Up Academic Production

Improve Metrics in Your University

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Level Up Academic Production

Improve Metrics in Your University

Level Up Academic Production

Improve Metrics in Your University

Used by Thousands of Researchers & Universities

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 1
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Chile UniversidaddeConcepcion UDEC 15 removebg preview 1
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Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina UNALM 1 removebg preview

Used by Hundreds of Researchers & Universities

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 1
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Chile UniversidaddeConcepcion UDEC 15 removebg preview 1
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Escudo de la Universidad de Tarapaca 1 1
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Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina UNALM 1 removebg preview

Used by Hundreds of Researchers & Universities

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 1 1
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Chile UniversidaddeConcepcion UDEC 15 removebg preview 1
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Do you want your researchers to produce more?

WriteWise is the Academic Writing Tool Your University Needs

In today’s rapidly evolving academic landscape, universities are grappling with significant challenges that impede their research output and, consequently, their global standing. Researchers are increasingly pressed for time, and this is compounded by a lack of specialized training and the absence of independent reviewers. These hurdles result in fewer publications, diminished research quality, and a consequent impact on the university’s ability to secure grants, accreditation, and prestige.

Enter WriteWise: a solution meticulously designed to address these multifaceted challenges. WriteWise is an AI-driven software tailored for the academic community. With features including a sophisticated text generator, comprehensive bibliography search, advanced grammar checker, and a plagiarism checker, among others, WriteWise stands as an indispensable ally.

In choosing WriteWise, universities are not merely adopting a software; they are embracing a strategic partner in achieving academic excellence.

Do you want your researchers to produce more?

WriteWise is the Academic Writing Tool Your University Needs

In today’s rapidly evolving academic landscape, universities are grappling with significant challenges that impede their research output and, consequently, their global standing. Researchers are increasingly pressed for time, and this is compounded by a lack of specialized training and the absence of independent reviewers. These hurdles result in fewer publications, diminished research quality, and a consequent impact on the university’s ability to secure grants, accreditation, and prestige.

Enter WriteWise: a solution meticulously designed to address these multifaceted challenges. WriteWise is an AI-driven software tailored for the academic community. With features including a sophisticated text generator, comprehensive bibliography search, advanced grammar checker, and a plagiarism checker, among others, WriteWise stands as an indispensable ally.

In choosing WriteWise, universities are not merely adopting a software; they are embracing a strategic partner in achieving academic excellence.

Do you want your researchers to produce more?

WriteWise is the Academic Writing Tool Your University Needs

In today’s rapidly evolving academic landscape, universities are grappling with significant challenges that impede their research output and, consequently, their global standing. Researchers are increasingly pressed for time, and this is compounded by a lack of specialized training and the absence of independent reviewers. These hurdles result in fewer publications, diminished research quality, and a consequent impact on the university’s ability to secure grants, accreditation, and prestige.

Enter WriteWise: a solution meticulously designed to address these multifaceted challenges. WriteWise is an AI-driven software tailored for the academic community. With features including a sophisticated text generator, comprehensive bibliography search, advanced grammar checker, and a plagiarism checker, among others, WriteWise stands as an indispensable ally.

In choosing WriteWise, universities are not merely adopting a software; they are embracing a strategic partner in achieving academic excellence.

Case Study removebg preview
Chile UniversidaddeConcepcion UDEC 15 removebg preview 1 1

Universidad de Concepción (UdeC)

Office of Research and Artistic Creation

Key Results

52 investigators published 60 research articles in a period of 8 months using WriteWise and the action and Implementation Plan adapted specifically to the needs of UdeC:

72% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in the Web of Sciences (WOS).

90% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in Scopus.

90% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in SCImago.
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Prof. Ronald Mennickent, PhD

Director of Research and Artistic Creation

“Our aim is for our researchers to gain improved communication skills that will permit them to share their scientific results at a higher level and in better specialized journals. WriteWise has been very well received by our research faculty, such that the demand for licenses has exceeded initial expectations and availability. This is why we will do a similar call for participation during the second semester of 2021 and in 2022 – to provide WriteWise licenses to those initially unable to participate in the initiative.”

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Sra. Vania Luksic

Project Engineer

“WriteWise is a very novel and useful tool since, as the author advances in writing their article, the software provides new grammar and vocabulary suggestions appropriate to the scientific context. The program [was built] by analyzing and obtaining patterns from a large number of prestigious, world-class articles; these insights are then provided to writers accessing the [WriteWise] platform. Therefore, the tool ensures that the language, grammar, and structure of the paper being written are very similar to articles that have already been successful.”

Case Study removebg preview
Chile UniversidaddeConcepcion UDEC 15 removebg preview 1 1

Universidad de Concepción (UdeC)

Office of Research and Artistic Creation

Key Results

52 investigators published 60 research articles in a period of 8 months using WriteWise and the Action and Implementation Plan adapted specifically to the needs of UdeC:

72% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in the Web of Sciences (WOS).

90% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in Scopus.

90% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in SCImago.
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Prof. Ronald Mennickent, PhD

Director of Research and Artistic Creation

“Our aim is for our researchers to gain improved communication skills that will permit them to share their scientific results at a higher level and in better specialized journals. WriteWise has been very well received by our research faculty, such that the demand for licenses has exceeded initial expectations and availability. This is why we will do a similar call for participation during the second semester of 2021 and in 2022 – to provide WriteWise licenses to those initially unable to participate in the initiative.”

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Sra. Vania Luksic

Project Engineer

“WriteWise is a very novel and useful tool since, as the author advances in writing their article, the software provides new grammar and vocabulary suggestions appropriate to the scientific context. The program [was built] by analyzing and obtaining patterns from a large number of prestigious, world-class articles; these insights are then provided to writers accessing the [WriteWise] platform. Therefore, the tool ensures that the language, grammar, and structure of the paper being written are very similar to articles that have already been successful.”

Case Study removebg preview
Chile UniversidaddeConcepcion UDEC 15 removebg preview 1 1

Universidad de Concepción (UdeC)

Office of Research and Artistic Creation

Key Results

52 investigators published 60 research articles in a period of 8 months using WriteWise and the Action and Implementation Plan adapted specifically to the needs of UdeC:

72% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in the Web of Sciences (WOS).

90% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in Scopus.

90% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in SCImago.
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Prof. Ronald Mennickent, PhD

Director of Research and Artistic Creation

“Our aim is for our researchers to gain improved communication skills that will permit them to share their scientific results at a higher level and in better specialized journals. WriteWise has been very well received by our research faculty, such that the demand for licenses has exceeded initial expectations and availability. This is why we will do a similar call for participation during the second semester of 2021 and in 2022 – to provide WriteWise licenses to those initially unable to participate in the initiative.”

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Sra. Vania Luksic

Project Engineer

“WriteWise is a very novel and useful tool since, as the author advances in writing their article, the software provides new grammar and vocabulary suggestions appropriate to the scientific context. The program [was built] by analyzing and obtaining patterns from a large number of prestigious, world-class articles; these insights are then provided to writers accessing the [WriteWise] platform. Therefore, the tool ensures that the language, grammar, and structure of the paper being written are very similar to articles that have already been successful.”

Case Study removebg preview
Logo unab 1 3

Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB)

Vice-Rectorate for Research and Doctoral Studies

Key Results

17 doctorate students published 21 research articles in a period of 1 year using WriteWise and the Action and Implementation Plan adapted specifically to the needs of UNAB:

77.1% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in the Web of Sciences (WOS).

69.4% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in Scopus.

77.2% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in SCImago.
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Erika Poblete, PhD

Academic Director for Doctoral Studies

“The results obtained with WriteWise have university-level impacts, extending beyond the Office for Doctoral Studies, since [the outcomes] have improved our research-productivity metrics. Improving publication times and the number of publications per student not only impact the accreditation processes of programs, but also accreditation for the university. WriteWise is among the factors contributing towards achievement of this goal, of linking research (an area in which we are already well-positioned nationally) with the education of new students in our doctorate programs.”

Andrea Gonzalez

Andrea González, PhD (c)


“[WriteWise] helps me to review the technical English, to change some words that are too informal, and [WriteWise] recommends alternative phrases so that they are better written and more structured. [WriteWise] comprehensively helps me write papers, since I am writing and seeing if it is well written and if I am using the right terms. [WriteWise] helps me to review every part of a section of a paper, something that Word will never do. [WriteWise] is a much more comprehensive and specific tool than Word for scientific writing. I would absolutely recommend [WriteWise].”

Case Study removebg preview
Logo unab 1 3

Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB)

Office of the Vice-Rector for Research and Doctoral Studies

Key Results

17 doctorate students published 21 research articles in a period of 1 year using WriteWise and the Action and Implementation Plan adapted specifically to the needs of UNAB:

77.1% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in the Web of Sciences (WOS).

69.4% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in Scopus.

77.2% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in SCImago.
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Erika Poblete, PhD

Academic Director for Doctoral Studies

“The results obtained with WriteWise have university-level impacts, extending beyond the Office for Doctoral Studies, since [the outcomes] have improved our research-productivity metrics. Improving publication times and the number of publications per student not only impact the accreditation processes of programs, but also accreditation for the university. WriteWise is among the factors contributing towards achievement of this goal, of linking research (an area in which we are already well-positioned nationally) with the education of new students in our doctorate programs.”

Andrea Gonzalez

Andrea González, PhD (c)


“[WriteWise] helps me to review the technical English, to change some words that are too informal, and [WriteWise] recommends alternative phrases so that they are better written and more structured. [WriteWise] comprehensively helps me write papers, since I am writing and seeing if it is well written and if I am using the right terms. [WriteWise] helps me to review every part of a section of a paper, something that Word will never do. [WriteWise] is a much more comprehensive and specific tool than Word for scientific writing. I would absolutely recommend [WriteWise].”

Case Study removebg preview
Logo unab 1 3

Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB)

Vice-Rectorate for Research and Doctoral Studies

Key Results

17 doctorate students published 21 research articles in a period of 1 year using WriteWise and the Action and Implementation Plan adapted specifically to the needs of UNAB:

77.1% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in the Web of Sciences (WOS).

69.4% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in Scopus.

77.2% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in SCImago.
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Erika Poblete, PhD

Academic Director for Doctoral Studies

“The results obtained with WriteWise have university-level impacts, extending beyond the Office for Doctoral Studies, since [the outcomes] have improved our research-productivity metrics. Improving publication times and the number of publications per student not only impact the accreditation processes of programs, but also accreditation for the university. WriteWise is among the factors contributing towards achievement of this goal, of linking research (an area in which we are already well-positioned nationally) with the education of new students in our doctorate programs.”

Andrea Gonzalez

Andrea González, PhD (c)


“[WriteWise] helps me to review the technical English, to change some words that are too informal, and [WriteWise] recommends alternative phrases so that they are better written and more structured. [WriteWise] comprehensively helps me write papers, since I am writing and seeing if it is well written and if I am using the right terms. [WriteWise] helps me to review every part of a section of a paper, something that Word will never do. [WriteWise] is a much more comprehensive and specific tool than Word for scientific writing. I would absolutely recommend [WriteWise].”

Case Study removebg preview
Chile UniversidaddeConcepcion UDEC 15 removebg preview 1 1

Universidad de Concepción (UdeC)

Office of Graduate Studies

Key Results

100 doctorate students published 72 research articles in a period of 1.5 years using WriteWise and the Action and Implementation Plan adapted specifically to the needs of UdeC:

68% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in the Web of Sciences (WOS).

82% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in Scopus.

84% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in SCImago.
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Graduate Studies Team

“Learning to write world-class papers, in addition to writing articles in English, is a complex process for graduate students. A good support tool, such as provided by the Advanced Course on Academic Writing and by the WriteWise software, in conjunction with a clear action plan that has defined objectives and deliverables (i.e., papers) within established time frames means that students are incentivized to finish and publish their work. Broadening student skills through useful tools that go beyond those defined by specific disciplines, without doubt, represents an important resource for the process of becoming a researcher.”

Case Study removebg preview
Chile UniversidaddeConcepcion UDEC 15 removebg preview 1 1

Universidad de Concepción (UdeC)

Office of Graduate Studies

Key Results

100 doctorate students published 72 research articles in a period of 1.5 years using WriteWise and the Action and Implementation Plan adapted specifically to the needs of UdeC:

68% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in the Web of Sciences (WOS).

82% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in Scopus.

84% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in SCImago.
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Graduate Studies Team

“Learning to write world-class papers, in addition to writing articles in English, is a complex process for graduate students. A good support tool, such as provided by the Advanced Course on Academic Writing and by the WriteWise software, in conjunction with a clear action plan that has defined objectives and deliverables (i.e., papers) within established time frames means that students are incentivized to finish and publish their work. Broadening student skills through useful tools that go beyond those defined by specific disciplines, without doubt, represents an important resource for the process of becoming a researcher.”

Case Study removebg preview
Chile UniversidaddeConcepcion UDEC 15 removebg preview 1 1

Universidad de Concepción (UdeC)

Office of Graduate Studies

Key Results

100 doctorate students published 72 research articles in a period of 1.5 years using WriteWise and the Action and Implementation Plan adapted specifically to the needs of UdeC:

68% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in the Web of Sciences (WOS).

82% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in Scopus.

84% of publications were in Q1 and Q2 journals indexed in SCImago.
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Graduate Studies Team

“Learning to write world-class papers, in addition to writing articles in English, is a complex process for graduate students. A good support tool, such as provided by the Advanced Course on Academic Writing and by the WriteWise software, in conjunction with a clear action plan that has defined objectives and deliverables (i.e., papers) within established time frames means that students are incentivized to finish and publish their work. Broadening student skills through useful tools that go beyond those defined by specific disciplines, without doubt, represents an important resource for the process of becoming a researcher.”

WriteWise Action and Implementation Plan

Tailored to the needs of your university

number one 3840653 2

Initial Meeting & Program Proposal

We meet with university leadership to understand needs. We then present a customized Action and Implementation Plan and Budget Proposal.

number 2 3840738 1

Program Launch & Integral Aid

The program is launched based on the Action and Implementation Plan, with WriteWise acting as an integral guide throughout.

number 3 3840739 1

User Onboarding & Support

Users are provided with a live onboarding session and access credentials. WriteWise also offers extensive tutorials and email support.

number four 3840753 1

Use Monitoring & Adjustments

Through a Use Report, mutual decisions are made on how to adjust the program to ensure maximum success (e.g., reassigning users).

number 5 3840754 1

Case Study & Program Renewal

After the program ends, a Case Study can be constructed in cooperation with the university, and discussions are held regarding program renewal.

WriteWise Action and Implementation Plan

Tailored to the needs of your university

number one 3840653 2

Initial Meeting & Program Proposal

We meet with university leadership to understand needs. We then present a customized Action and Implementation Plan and Budget Proposal.

number 2 3840738 1

Program Launch & Integral Aid

The program is launched based on the Action and Implementation Plan, with WriteWise acting as an integral guide throughout.

number 3 3840739 1

User Onboarding & Support

Users are provided with a live onboarding session and access credentials. WriteWise also offers extensive tutorials and email support.

number four 3840753 1

Use Monitoring & Adjustments

Through a Use Report, mutual decisions are made on how to adjust the program to ensure maximum success (e.g., reassigning users).

number 5 3840754 1

Case Study & Program Renewal

After the program ends, a Case Study can be constructed in cooperation with the university, and discussions are held regarding program renewal.

WriteWise Action and Implementation Plan

Tailored to the needs of your university

number one 3840653 2

Initial Meeting & Program Proposal

We meet with university leadership to understand needs. We then present a customized Action and Implementation Plan and Budget Proposal.

number 2 3840738 1

Program Launch & Integral Aid

The program is launched based on the Action and Implementation Plan, with WriteWise acting as an integral guide throughout.

number 3 3840739 1

User Onboarding & Support

Users are provided with a live onboarding session and access credentials. WriteWise also offers extensive tutorials and email support.

number four 3840753 1

Use Monitoring & Adjustments

Through a Use Report, mutual decisions are made on how to adjust the program to ensure maximum success (e.g., reassigning users).

number 5 3840754 1

Case Study & Program Renewal

After the program ends, a Case Study can be constructed in cooperation with the university, and discussions are held regarding program renewal.

Contact Us Today to
Start Aiding Your Researchers

WriteWise is the n°1 trusted tool for academic writing. This is the program your researchers and students need.

Contact Us Today to Start Aiding Your Researchers

WriteWise is the n°1 trusted tool for academic writing. This is the program your researchers and students need.

Contact Us Today to Start Aiding Your Researchers

WriteWise is the n°1 trusted tool for academic writing. This is the program your researchers and students need.

WriteWise News

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Linked to technology: USS researchers learn how to use ChatGPT for academic writing

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Close to 500 UdeC researchers received new training about scientific writing with ChatGPT


How to use ChatGPT correctly and ethically for academic writing


This cutting-edge technology is a solid ally ética en la escritura académica académica”


WriteWise: the best and most complete writing aid ética en la escritura académica académica”


UCEN acquires a scientific writing software for researchersética en la escritura académica”


UdeC acquires new software licenses for writing scientific articlesética en la escrituraescritura”


VRID will hold a second round of training in ChatGPT useética en la escrituraescritura académica académica académica académica “


VRIP implements WriteWise, a tool based on artificial intelligence, to strengthen productivityética en la escrituraescritura escrituraescritura”


The most effective and efficient way to improve writing capacityética en la escrituraescritura”

Instituto de Matematica Fisica y Estadistica y Grupo de Investigacion en Educacion STEM UDLA ensenan como aprovechar ChatGPT en la redaccion academica 5 806x538 1

UDLA teaches how to take advantage of ChatGPT in academic writing

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UNALM strengthens research with WriteWise software

WriteWise News

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Linked to technology: USS researchers learn how to use ChatGPT for academic writing

Diseno sin titulo 35

Close to 500 UdeC researchers received new training about scientific writing with ChatGPT


How to use ChatGPT correctly and ethically for academic writing ética en la escritura académicaescritura”


This cutting-edge technology is a solid ally ética en la escritura académica académica”


WriteWise: the best and most complete writing aid ética en la escritura académica académica”


UCEN acquires a scientific writing software for researchersética en la escritura académica”


The most effective and efficient way to improve writing capacityética en la escrituraescritura”


VRID will hold a second round of training in ChatGPT useética en la escrituraescritura académica académica académica académica “


UdeC acquires new software licenses for writing scientific articles ética en la escrituraescritura”


VRIP implements WriteWise, a tool based on artificial intelligence, to strengthen productivityética en la escrituraescritura”

Instituto de Matematica Fisica y Estadistica y Grupo de Investigacion en Educacion STEM UDLA ensenan como aprovechar ChatGPT en la redaccion academica 5 806x538 1

UDLA teaches how to take advantage of ChatGPT in academic writing

WriteWise News

Diseno sin titulo 34

Linked to technology: USS researchers learn how to use ChatGPT for academic writing

Diseno sin titulo 35

Close to 500 UdeC researchers received new training about scientific writing with ChatGPT


How to use ChatGPT correctly and ethically for academic writing ética en la escritura académicaescritura”


This cutting-edge technology is a solid ally ética en la escritura académica académica”


WriteWise: the best and most complete writing aid ética en la escritura académica académica”


UCEN acquires a scientific writing software for researchersética en la escritura académica”


UdeC acquires new software licenses for writing scientific articles ética en la escrituraescritura”


VRID will hold a second round of training in ChatGPT useética en la escrituraescritura académica académica académica académica “


The most effective and efficient way to improve writing capacityética en la escrituraescritura”


VRIP implements WriteWise, a tool based on artificial intelligence, to strengthen productivityética en la escrituraescritura”

Instituto de Matematica Fisica y Estadistica y Grupo de Investigacion en Educacion STEM UDLA ensenan como aprovechar ChatGPT en la redaccion academica 5 806x538 1

UDLA teaches how to take advantage of ChatGPT in academic writing